A network of innovative market research products that analyze conversations occurring on social media channels.  NetNoggin™ provides valuable insights into the consumer’s:


      •   Buying pathway and patient journey

      •   Behaviors, attitudes and belief

      •   Brand perceptions

      •   Need states

      •   Linguistics

      •   Online Peer Influencers (OPIs)

Analyzes the consumer buying pathway and patient journey from first symptom through diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.

A linguistic study of how consumers talk about their symptoms, condition, impact it has on themselves and others, their relationship with healthcare providers and their relationships with brands.


Analyzes consumer attitudes and beliefs, their disease understanding and identifies consumer need states.


Analyzes consumers conversation regarding a brand and its competitors and conducts a SWOT analysis.


Analyzes social interactions to identify Online Peer Influencers (OPI) across social channels and key stakeholder groups (patient, caregiver, advocacy, etc.)

Profiles the OPIs and maps out influencers’ networks to understand what channels should be used to reach different groups.

 (301) 865-9130

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